When I initially spoke with Cathy, she was very empathic with mine and Arthur’s lack of sleep. I felt Cathy had no judgement on how we were currently trying to sleep, and she felt confident with a few tweaks we could get more solid blocks. Cathy took a great deal of care and time into a sleep plan that would work for our family. She took down all the detail from our previous calls, encompassing our whole family, including our six year old daughter and her routine, to make a new sleep plan for Arthur, to fit around our busy schedules.

Whilst I found the first few days particularly hard going, Cathy continued to be our personal cheerleader. She gave encouragement, strength and reassurance. Cathy highlighted our positives and made me realise them too. Cathy was always available and never took long to reply to a message. She gave additional support outside of sleep, tips on weaning and reminders for my self care. I left our video calls thankful for Cathy’s advice, but I also always felt listened to.

I found Cathy to be a really kind hearted woman, and I genuinely felt like she cared and wanted things to improve for us. And in turn, they really have! We have a nap schedule and bedtime routine that is working. Arthur is now in his own room, and we are both getting solid blocks of sleep. In under two weeks, he has had his first sleep ‘through the night’ from 22:00hrs to 06:45hrs - this is polar opposite to how difficult sleep was for both of us just a couple of weeks back. Cathy has been an amazing support, she is patient, kind and she knows her stuff - she will make it work! We will be forever grateful for her advice, time and support. Thank you so much Cathy!

Louise (UK)

I was referred to Ms. Catherine Heath by a friend at the beginning of March, 2024. My son, 15 months old at the time was struggling to sleep all night (2-3 waking’s a night), he struggled to take consistent naps and was extremely attached to my husband and I.

I had an extensive consultation with Cath who sympathized with me, understood me and encouraged me. She expressed that once we set out on a sleep plan, I would get the results I am looking for. With much angst but great anticipation, my sleep training commenced with an elaborate step-by-step plan developed by Cath. There were lots of ups and downs and of course travel in between which interrupted the flow of things however Cath was ever more supportive and hand held me through the entire process. Though there were many nights I lost courage and began to feel frustrated, a follow up call twice a week from Cath always set me back on track with the right words of hope and encouragement.

I am now happy to say, that about 1.5 months later, my son is sleeping all night (10 hour nights) and 2 hour naps during the day. I couldn’t be happier, rested and pleased with this result and I only have Cath to thank for this incredible development. She was patient, kind and understanding throughout our journey together and always offered support at every turn. I am so incredibly grateful for her calm and expertise throughout our journey together. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone that is hoping to sleep train their baby as she did a phenomenal job. Our household is now happier and well rested.

Stephie (New York )

I'm very grateful for the amazing support you've given me and Taji. He slept well again yesterday, and I think he now understands he can justput himself back to sleep when he wakes up.The help you offered was more than just teaching to sleep, it was also weaning him off breastmilk which had actually been an issue for a while.I'll continue to use this information, thank you for the links. I love the certificate, I'll show it to him.

Joy (Kenya)

Cathy has been a great support to my motherhood and I appreciate the support a lot. In the almost 2 weeks, with her help, I was able to accomplish 3 major goals:

1. Wean my 2 year old off breastfeeding totally.

2. Get him to sleep at night without having to breastfeed him.

3. Get him to sleep on his own bed, until morning, even tho we were in the same room.

Her approach is gentle and encouraging and she followed up consistently to find out my progress and offer advice. It was easy communicating with her and her advise was very helpful.

Taji now sleeps so much easier and better, doesn't wake up during the night and I'm able to work at night without worry that he'll keep waking up. He's also not breastfeeding which has helped both of us a lot.

Joy (Kenya)

My experience with Cathy has been wonderful, she had set up a clear thorough plan which is fool proof! She was always available to catch up with via text or setting up calls that worked around my schedule. Cathy would regularly check up to see how we were doing and send words of encouragement.

During our calls Cathy would take a holistic approach to our situation taking into consideration the needs of the whole family and my 1 year old and provide advice around other factors such as diet. Cathy also has a clear understanding of my child’s personality type which has been very important in understanding her needs!

Kiran (UK)

I was feeling quite apprehensive about starting sleep training, as you often hear it associated with the CIO method, and I felt strongly against doing that. Cath made me feel very at ease and reassured me that at no point would my baby be distressed, and that I would be meeting every one of his needs.

Cath prepared a detailed plan and guide for us to follow and with in just a few days we were sleeping longer than we had in months! By the end of two weeks, our baby was sleeping 10.5 hours through the night and having three consistent naps in the day.

Cath was very encouraging and responsive, always on hand with advice when things didn't go as planned, helping us get back on track. She would adapt the plan as necessary to align with both ours and our baby's needs and pace. Thank you so much, from a well rested family.

Charlotte (UK)

Cath was great, she gave advise and got the plan sent over very quickly. I feel the contact was too much to start with and became a little overwhelming. I was confident enough to follow the plan so perhaps needed less support than others. Once we agreed to communicate via whats app, I felt much more at ease and under less pressure.

Cath is fantastic at what she does. She helped me get Jaxon to sleep through the night in around 2 weeks. She listened to my concerns and implemented a plan quickly with these in mind. She provided great support and was always readily available for a catch up and amended the plan when I needed it

Laura (UK)

Whether you're just starting your sleep journey or seeking solutions for ongoing challenges, I’m here to provide personalized support. My sleep packages are crafted from my own experiences and are tailored to meet the unique needs of your family.

Every baby and family is different, and my approach is designed with that in mind. Let’s work together to find the right path for your family, so you can enjoy these precious early years with more restful nights.